Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Why are parents banning school books?

In the US more and more parents are pressing schools to withdraw books with bad language or sexual content. But should children's books be restricted in this way?

There is a battle being fought in America over books.

Friday, September 17, 2010


Check out the last page!


SL: School Libraries: A Plan for Improvement

Latest report from UK on SL: School Libraries: A Plan for Improvement. Based on submissions from stakeholders and survey amongst 17,000 students

The 21st century School Librarian

A couple of summers back a young school librarian, fresh out of library school, asked a very honest question at one of our state retreats:

We’re all doing different stuff. The other school librarians I know are not doing what I am doing. Some maintain Web sites and blogs; others do not. Some have seriously retooled; others have not. In the 21st century, what does a school librarian do?

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The copy-and-paste generation

As students head back to school this fall, many teachers, professors and parents find themselves worrying about student honesty in a way that they never have before. Part of the a blame lies with a widely discussed recent article in the New York Times, which reported that 40% of university students admitted to copying work without acknowledgment and more than 70% thought that "copying from the Web" was not a serious form of academic dishonesty.


Sunday, September 5, 2010

Critical thinking In the classroom

Microsoft has developed this critical thinking and web research curriculum with the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE). 

Lesson plans include prerequisites, rationale, essential concepts, and descriptions of related National Educational Technology Standards (NETS) and are designed for beginner, intermediate, or advanced levels, aimed at middle school and secondary students.